Checklist for Surgery/Consent Forms/Insurance Information

man with checklist

man with checklist

The decision to have surgery is a very important one. You will need to be fully informed and prepared for the surgery. You will also need to be ready for any special needs that you may have after the surgery. How well you prepare will affect the outcome and the results. The following checklist can help you get ready for surgery.

What is an informed consent form?

The medical staff will carefully explain the surgery to you before you have it. This includes why you are having it, any risks of the surgery, and what you can expect afterward. You will also be asked to sign an informed consent form. It explains the procedure and its risks and benefits. This form states that you understand everything about your surgery and have had the opportunity to ask any questions and receive satisfactory answers. It also explains that you have the right to refuse the procedure. Read through the consent form carefully before signing it. Ask your surgeon if you have any questions or need more information. You will also be asked to sign a consent for anesthesia to be given during your procedure. Talk with your anesthesia provider if you have any questions or concerns.

What are advance directives?

When you are admitted to the hospital, hospital staff may encourage you to make an "advance directive." Advance directives are legal documents. They state your preference in treatment and resuscitation if you aren’t able to speak for yourself. There are 2 types of advance directives:

What about a child’s consent to medical care?

A child must have a parent’s consent before any surgery or procedure can be done. But an "emancipated" or "mature" adolescent may consent to their own medical care. Laws may vary from state to state. It's important to know your own state's law about emancipated and mature minors. An emancipated or mature minor is usually someone who:

What happens when you can’t give consent for your own surgery?

In some cases, you may not be able make a decision about your medical care. This might be because you are unconscious or because you have a mental disability or severe illness. In that case, a family member or your healthcare proxy will be asked to make any needed medical decisions.

Insurance information

If your healthcare provider recommends elective surgery, your insurance company may ask for "precertification" from your provider before you can have the surgery. Check with your insurance company on what you should do. You may need to pay a copayment for the hospital stay.

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