Do undocumented immigrants have the right to own guns?

A federal court in Chicago decides that some do. Republicans are outraged

CCTV screengrab showing shooting

Mar 27th 2024 | CHICAGO

T he night of June 1st 2020 was a chaotic one in Chicago. A week earlier, George Floyd had been murdered by a Minneapolis police officer, and protests against police brutality had spread all over the world. A day before, the then mayor, Lori Lightfoot, had requested help from the National Guard for the first time since the riots of 1968. Such was the situation when Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, a then-28-year-old carpenter, borrowed a gun and joined a group of men defending a tyre shop in Little Village, a Mexican neighbourhood, from would-be looters. At around 11pm, in full view of a camera, Mr Carbajal-Flores shot seven times in the direction of a white car that was speeding past. Forty minutes later, he was arrested.

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This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline “Grin and bear it”

United States March 30th 2024

The triple shock facing Europe’s economy

From the March 30th 2024 edition

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